Thursday, September 5, 2013

Can Golf take advantage of the NFL?

With the latest settlement between the NFL and past players on concussions, and the just announced lawsuit against the NCAA, is the golf industry missing a golden opportunity.  You already hear about parents telling their kids they are not going to play football.  Soccer has taken a minor hit with references to concussion injuries and baseball faces the PED debacle.  Why not turn up the volume on the benefits of golf.

We all know what the benefits are.  It teaches sportsmanship and honesty in rules officiating.  If they choose to walk, it has great health benefits.  Injuries are rare in the sport and it even enhances flexibility and eye-hand coordination.  There are many more, but you get the idea.  Golf is good for you and parents should give their kids the opportunity to try the game.

It’s never good to kick someone when they are down and the NFL will survive.  But my bet is that the game will change drastically in the next 15-20 years.  Less kids are going to be playing and it will change the talent that colleges and the pros can pick from.  I am already seeing this in one of my local high schools.  The current freshman team has 20 kids on the team.  This is out of 500+ students in the class.  That will have a huge impact on the varsity team in three years.  If this trend goes nationwide, you can see the impact.

So why not promote your advantages and remind people of the benefits to the game.   Gaining a few kids now will go a long way in the future.

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